Finland FIP Islam

Picture of Finland’s Famous Revert to Islam, Abdullah Tammi Sitting with His Nazi Pals…….

Helsingin Sanomat ran an article a couple of days ago in its NYT portion of the paper, about Abdullah (Risto) Tammi and his Nazi past. The spokesman for the Finnish Islamic Party (FIP) explained his relationship with the Finnsh Nazis, headed by Pekka Siitoin (pictured center) was due to his spying for the Soviets. The picture appeared in the NYT edition.

Regardless of whether it’s true or not, the fact is, the man has an infactuation with totalitarian ideologies, whether its Communism, Fascism (the other socialism) or Islam. That Hitler was very fond of Islam, means that Abdullah Tammi has indeed come full circle indeed! KGS

One Response

  1. Risto (Abdullah) Tammi’s main mission in Finland was to trace the individuals responsible for smuggling Russian language Bibles to USSR. That is why he switched from one church to another during his quest.

    Due to information provided by the likes of Tammi hundreds of religious worshippers got caught by KGB. I recommend to read a book called “Mitrokhin Archive” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, which outlines among other things how christians were persecuted in the Soviet Union.

    Today we see similar persecution in muslim countries. The target of that persecution are muslims who have changed their religion.

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