Vlaams Belang

The Belgium Noose Tightens on Vlaams Belang Frank Vanhecke……!

In the US, such a thing would never occur, or at least yet. The political show trial of a Vlaams Belang Party member of parliament, Frank Vanhecke draws closer. I just received word of it down the pipeline, from the Baron himself.

Here is some background from the GOV that has a detailed record of the states victimization of Vlaams Belang and, presently this time around, the down but not yet out, Frank Vanhecke.
From Paul Belien:
Below message (in Dutch) from Frank Vanhecke. His immunity has been lifted by the European Parliament (in commission). Plenary meeting still has to do the same, but that is merely a formality. Please spread the news as far as possible.
Begin doorgestuurd bericht:
Van: “VANHECKE Frank” Datum: 3 november 2008 18:03:27 GMT+01:00Aan: “Paul BelienOnderwerp: RE: Frank Vanhecke
Beste Paul, Stemming in commissie juridischje zaken pas gebeurd, immuniteit opgeheven. Plenaire vergadering moet nog bevestigen over paar weken, maar dat is formaliteit.Zie ook persbericht op nationale site met wat info over parlementair verslag ter zake.En ook: dank voor uw inspanningen. Meen het. Vriendelijke groet, Frank Vanhecke

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