Saudi News 1

Saudi Evening Noose…….

‘Beautiful goat’ pageant fetches thousands for Saudi breeders
You just can’t make this stuff up even if you tried! KGS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
First it was camels. Now Saudi Arabia has held its first “beautiful goat” pageant. Owners of pedigree “Najdi” goats from around the Gulf region converged on Riyadh this week, hoping to win the prize for top male and female goat, following in the footsteps of lucrative camel competitions which have taken off in recent years.
“The Najdi goat is a pure national product like nothing else in the world,” said Sheikh Faisal al-Saadoun, a leading Saudi breeder who organized the show. “They are different in terms of beauty, shape and how eye-catching they are.”
The goats are named after the central Najd region of Saudi Arabia, where the goats have a distinctive high nose bridge and shaggy hair with a fine, silky quality. They were given a thorough shampoo for the show, according to the official website ( which displayed the winners. More here.

One Response

  1. This was hilarious! I can’t imagine how a man can judge outlooks of an animal. I mean, most women look great, but it’s the personality that is “the thing”.

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