Arab propaganda Gaza Lauren Booth Peace Activists

Lauren Booth on Shopping Spree in Gaza…….

Lauren Booth in the concentration camp that is Gaza, a population starving, and it’s worse than Darfur. Who said peace activists are the sharpest blades in the kitchen drawer?

YNET: reports her saying: “In a telephone interview with Ynet on Wednesday, Booth slammed Israel’s policies and called Gaza “the largest concentration camp in the world today. […]

Yesterday, I visited mothers of children under the age of five. Nutrition here has deteriorated threefold over the last two years because it is impossible to bring food through the crossings. Unemployment has risen, so people can’t even afford to buy what food there is left.”

‘It’s as bad as Darfur’

When asked about Israel’s right to respond to incessant attacks emanating from Gaza, Booth evoked Holocaust-related rhetoric. “There is no right to punish people this way. There is no justification for this kind of collective punishment. You were in the concentration camps, and I can’t believe that you are allowing the creation of such a camp yourselves.”

“The Palestinians’ suffering is physical, mental and emotional,” she went on, “there is not a family here in which someone is not in desperate need of work, shelter or food. This is a humanitarian crisis on the scale of Darfur.

Yeah, riiiiight! KGS

H/T: Joy Wolfe

NOTE: I like the picture of the concentration camp inmate holding the cell phone while waiting in line. Note the desperation on his face as he texts a message to another inmate.

4 Responses

  1. Yah… well… this is just another example of the efforts being spent on demonizing Jews.

    Lately, I’ve been wondering: where were all those “peace activists” when the Russians invaded Georgia? Where were the throngs of thousands with banners and flags protesting the Russian invasion? Strange that I didn’t see them. Eh?

  2. There ARE some similarities between Darfur and the Gaza Strip. Both involve attempted genocide: The Janjaweed and other tools of the central government are murdering and trying to destroy the Darfurians, while Hamas and other Palestinian Arab terror groups are murdering and trying to destroy the Jews, but the similarities pretty much end there, since the Israelis are able to defend themselves.

    It is interesting that Laura Booth is putting her efforts behind the attempted genocide by the Palestinian Arabs rather than fighting it.

    Don’t really know whether she’s evil or just stupid.

  3. Hypocrisy at its best!!!

    I can’t believe my eyes!
    Thank you, Tundra!

  4. Thanks to all you that responded to this post! Yes it never ceases to amaze me that the media chooses to pass up these stories.

    Just imagine how the readership of these papers would increase if they dug up stories like this on a regular basis!

    It’s just left up to blogs like this.

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