activist journalism Finnish media Fitna Helsingin Sanomat Holland

Finnish Version of Pravda: The Helsingin Sanomat Unveils More Truth…….

The Helsingin Sanomat, or should I say the Finnish version of ‘Правда‘ (Pravda), published an article in yesterday’s edition of the paper(1-06-08), that truly reflects the general Orwellian mindset of that “news” organization. The HS cannot be confused with being an informative newspaper, but as the bender and twister of any story angle that will both “fit and benefit” its own ideological perspective of the world.

In a truly bizarre article by Tiina Rajamäki, the journalist writes about the situation of Islam in Holland, and how it reflects on the overall situation in Europe. In what should have been an interesting article, ends up being nothing more than a piece of propaganda that leads the reader to draw some seriously flawed conclusions.

For an example, the journalist never once mentions the death threats leveled against the Dutch politician, Geert Wilders. No, on the contrary, the journalist leads the reader to the highly false conclusion that the rift between Muslim and non-Muslim societies in Europe, has more to do with “racism” against Muslims than anything else. NONSENSE.

The HS is guilty of disseminating a highly polished, propaganda piece about the supposed role that “bigotry against Islam” played in creating the current crisis in Holland, as well as morally equating those Muslims who do incite violence and mayhem, with those who dare to offer critique of Islam.

This kind of twisted logic and highly disingenuous ‘reporting is what can be expected from the HS on a regular basis. Here’s just a few of the morsels that HS journalist, Tiina Rajamäki wants the public to swallow whole…and without question.

“Draama on 2000-luvulla kääntynyt Hollannissa hetkittäin tragediaksi. Vuonna 2002 murhattiin oikeistopopulisti Pim Fortuynin ja vuonna 2004 nuori muslimimies.” / The drama of 2000 turned at times into tragedy. In 2002 Rightwing populist was murdered and in 2004 a young Muslim man.”

So lets look at this more closely. Here the journalist openly displays her attitude towards the Dutch politician, who was a conservative, homosexual man, and brutally murdered by a Leftist fanatic. She labels Pim Fortuyn as a “Right wing populist”and continues on without an ounce of thought to the ideology and the motives of his killer.

[Clue: The man who murdered Pim Fortuyn was a radical Left-wing fanatic who was upset about his criticisms of Islam.]

Another pearl worthy of further examination, is the journalist’s reference to the mysterious “young Muslim man” who was supposedly murdered in 2004. Visions of the “grassy knoll” easily come to mind. The very high profile murder of Theo Van Gogh however, went completely unreported.

Just what young Muslim man is the journalist referring to? Surely someone of such historical importance has a name…right? Wouldn’t it have been wise to have found out the name of this supposed “victim”, as well as the circumstances surrounding the murder? Instead the reader is left with no details whatsoever, just innuendo, now how professional was that?

It leaves the Tundra Tabloids with the impression that the incident was nothing more than pure fiction, coming straight from the mind of the journalist whose sole intention was to depict a supposed …”tit for tat / cycle of violence” scenario happening inside Holland. This is of course pure nonsense.

Oh but wait, there’s more!

“Tänä keväänä koko maa oli varpaillaan, kun oikeistopolitiikko Geert Wilders julkaisi koraania kritisoivan Fitna-lyhytelokuvan. Filmikohu lässähti saman tien, kun kävi ilmi, että muslimimaailma ei pitänyt filmiä edes reagoimisen arvoisena”. / This Spring the entire country was on its toes, when the Right wing politician, Geert Wilders aired his Qur’an critical short movie. The commotion over the film collapsed when it became known that the Muslim world didn’t view the film as worth reacting to.”

Not worth reacting to, REALLY?! In what alter universe was the journalist and her gatekeepers at the HS inhabiting during the same time period? The journalist also exposes her opinions about the short movie itself, by depicting the Islamic world as being more moral than the person who produced the film. Here Tiina Rajamäki is being very open with her opinions about Islam, and about the critics of Islam, clearly showing whom she sides with.

Its a well known fact that Geert Wilders received a number of death threats, even the townspeople where Geert Wilders’ party is from, received death threats…before the movie was even shown! How much more proof does this journalist need before she’s convinced that Wilders was indeed threatened with death before and after the airing of his movie Fitna?

This is nothing more than pure activist journalism in its most daring form, because it’s put right out there for the public to see, with absolutely no care in the world on how badly it reflects upon her journalistic code of ethics …or lack thereof.

So according to the Helsingin Sanomat, the Muslim world is not concerned with the Fitna movie….really? *L* KGS HAHAHAHAHA

2 Responses

  1. An other HS article
    30.05.08 sivu B3:
    Tietokulma: Israel: “Armeija käyttänyt palestiinalaislapsia ihmiskilpinä”

    Did Tundratabloids not notice that?

  2. Re: anon. How typical of Pravda! Here’s the Tietokulma (“Fact Sheet”):

    Näissä maissa lapset sotivat

    Julkaistu: 29.5.2008 21:37

    helsingin sanomat

    Myanmar: Juntta värvännyt tuhansia lapsia taistelemaan armeijan riveissä. Lapset sotivat myös junttaa vastustavissa kapinallisryhmissä. Nuorimmat 12-vuotiaita.

    Tšad: 10 000 lasta painostettiin taisteluihin Sudanin vastaisella rajalla 2006–2007.

    Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta: 7 000 lasta taistelee yhä hallituksen joukoissa ja kapinallisryhmissä Itä-Kongossa.

    Somalia: Lapsisotilaiden värvääminen lisääntynyt rajusti väkivaltaisuuksien kiihdyttyä 2006.

    Sudan: Kapinallisryhmät ja hallituksen tukemat asejoukot värvänneet tuhansia lapsia, osan pakolaisleireiltä.

    Uganda: Herran vastarinta-armeijan joukoissa yhä arviolta 2 000 siepattua lasta ja naista. Hallituksen joukot käyttäneet lapsia tiedustelutehtävissä.

    Jemen: Alle 18-vuotiaiden rekrytointi armeijaan yleistä. Armeijan väitetään lähettäneen 15-vuotiaita eturintamaan taisteluissa kapinallisia vastaan 2007.

    Israel: Armeija käyttänyt palestiinalaislapsia ihmiskilpinä. Alle 18-vuotiaiden sotilaskoulutus yleistä.

    Lisäksi lapsisotilaita käyttävät lukuisat kapinallisryhmät 24 kohteessa eri puolilla maailmaa.

    Lähde: Child Soldiers, Global Report.

    Then, even the cited document says:

    There were no reported instances of under-18s serving in combat duty with the IDF.

    In 2007 three incidents were documented where Palestinian children were used as human shields by the IDF in and around Nablus, two years after an Israeli Supreme Court ruling banned this practice.24 In one case, an 11-year-old girl was sent into a derelict building ahead of IDF soldiers investigating the source of shooting.25 In another case, a 15-year-old boy was told to walk ahead of soldiers searching his family home, the soldiers firing five or six shots.26

    Amazingly (or not so as this is Pravda), Israel is included in the same category of horrible child abuse with Myanmar, Tsad, Kongo, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, and Yemen!

    The responsible “journalist” seems to be Jukka Huusko.

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