Anas Hajjar Finland Helsingin Sanomat Islam

Islamic Leadership in Finland Condemn Fitna as Provocative…….

Key leaders within the Finnish Islamic Society and the Finnish Islamic Council condemned Geert Wilders’ movie, Fitna, without even having seen it.

Abdi-Hakim Yasin Ararse (pictured), vice-spokesman for the FIS, and Anas Hajjar, spokesman for the FIC have something else in common besides their loathing of the movie, Fitna. Both men refused to flatly denounce the intentions of the openly Islamist, Finnish Islamic Party, run by Abdullah Tammi, so that should tell you a little something about their world views.

As far as the Tundra Tabloids could ascertain, they have no problem with the teachings of the radical Egyptian Islamist Sheikh, Yusuf al-Qaradawi either. A link to the Sheikh -who believes murdering Israelis is a great deed, as well as the killing of homosexuals– can be seen on the FIS’s website.

Anas Hajjar who has been at one time a secretary for the FIS, had this to say about the movie he didn’t watch, “but knew all about it.”

“Minusta on väärin, jos sananvapautta käytetään hyökkäykseen toisia ihmisiä vastaan ja lietsotaan vihaa. Filmin esitteestä sain käsityksen, että tällä lietsotaan vihaa. Euroopan lakien pitäisi estää tällainen toiminta, koska vihan lietsominen on laissa kielletty.”

I believe it to be wrong if free speech is used to attack other people and spread hatred. I got the understanding form the film’s promo that it’s spreading hatred. European laws should prevent such activity, because the spreading of hatred is against the law.”

What a bunch of obfuscated goo.

The movie Fitna, contains no voice over, or dialogue, just the actual events of Islamic terrorism, those Muslim clerics who preach the “Jihad Ideology” and from where in the Qur’an they get the verses that validate such evil deeds. There is even a moment where the movie appeals to the Muslim community that they themselves are the ones responsible for removal of verses that preach violence towards non-Muslims.

Yasin Ararse continues in the same vein:

“…ei pidä provosoitua radikaalien teoista. Euroopan muslimit ovat ilahtuneet siitä, että hollantilaiskanavat eivät julkaisseet filmiä. Myös Hollannin hallituksen toimintaa kiiteltiin.”

“…shouldn’t be any provoked with the acts of radicals. Europe’s Muslims are delighted that the Dutch stations didn’t air the film. The Dutch government’s actions are also appreciated.”

So the corporal punishment of homosexuals is fine and dandy, while a movie depicting Islamist extremism is deemed……”provocative”.

Yes the Islamists must be rolling over with delight and joy over the Dutch media’s wilted noodle response to aire the movie, Fitna. The Dutch government must be giving themselves a real high five for its dodging of another international incident, but it won’t rest there. The ante will now be upped, when intolerant Islamic demands are not met with the same wilted response.

This is only the beginning. KGS

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