Finland Finnish media media bias

Finnish Researchers Believe Their Media Gives Islam Raw Deal…….

I wonder if the party who contracted the Finnish academic researchers were worried about the supporters of National Socialism getting the same raw deal back in the 30’s and 40’s? You know, all that bad publicity of Jew bashing and synagogue burning being done by the Third Reich, was giving all the other supporters of National socialism/Fascism (a heretical branch of Marxism) in Europe and abroad, a very bad name.

Islam is an ideology like any other belief system and the fact that the overwhelming majority of international terrorism being committed today, is carried out under the banner of Islam and its prophet Mohamed, is just one of those “inconvenient truths”.

Tampere University Criticizes Finnish Media’s Reporting on Islam as Biased

Sanomalehtien, aikakauslehtien ja sähköisten välineiden mediaseurantaan perustuva tutkimus katsoo, että vaikka islam oli paljon esillä, islaminuskosta ja muslimeista kerrottiin hyvin vähän. Koska jutuissa käsiteltiin ennen muuta terroria ja muuta poliittista väkivaltaa, muslimeista muodostui voittopuolisesti väkivaltainen kuva. Tutkijat toteavat, että tärkeänä syynä uutisoinnin yksipuolisuuteen on Lähi-idän tapahtumia tiiviisti seuraavien kansainvälisten uutistoimistojen vahva asema uutishankinnassa.

Translation: A media research report, charting newpapers, magazines and electronic news sources has found that, though Islam was alot in the news, the stories told little about the Islamic faith and about Muslims. Because the stories were for the most part, about terror and other forms of political violence, the image formed about Muslims were overwhelmingly violent. The researchers stated that the main reason that the reporting was so one sided, was that happenings in the Middle East featured strongly within the national news media’s reporting.

But one interesting aspect to the research that I strongly agree with, and have written about many times on these pages, is that the Finnish media is strongly attached to reporting about Israel and the Palestinians, in an almost compulsive way. I made a research of the Finnish media on my own, compiling 90 days of reporting from the Helsingin Sanomat and Keskisuomalainen, from Feb-March in 2006, The HS reports on an average of once every 1.3 days, while the KS every 1.6 days.

I doubt seriously that the Finnish academy would ever do a similar research on how Israel is portrayed in the Finnish media. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that it was grossly biased against Israel, as the latest fiasco in Finnish news reporting plainly shows. *L* KGS

3 Responses

  1. If you google the researchers responsible for the study, you find out that they are the usual multi-culti crowd involved in Kepa and that kind of stuff.

    Actually, leading Finnish islamic expert Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila also said the same that islam is portrayed in the media together with violent acts so that it distorts the picture. Hämeen-Anttila said that he tries to present the other side of the story. See Kepa pages for reference.

  2. “[T]he stories told little about the Islamic faith and about Muslims. Because the stories were for the most part, about terror and other forms of political violence, the image formed about Muslims were overwhelmingly violent…”

    Actually, it sounds to me like they ARE presenting Islam as it is.

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