Helsingin Sanomat multiculturalism Political Correctness

Romani Finnish Police Officer’s Advice: Intergrate…….

A rare jewel of an interview (subscription only) was published in yesterday’s edition of the Helsingin Sanomat, of a Roman/Finnish police officer who was lamenting the role that the “blood revenge” still plays in the Romani culture in Finland.

I was struck by the similarity of thinking by the police officer in “Cycle of revenge needs to be broken”, Riku Lumberg, (half Romani, half native Finn) concerning the integration of the i(Gypsy) minority into Finnish society, and by those of us who are demanding the same from Muslims immigrants in Europe.

Truth be told, the same logic applies whether or not it is Islam or any other religious or ethnic group in question. The focus on the issue of “responsible immigration” for the Tundra Tabloids has always been based on the premise that, “responsibilities for both the immigrant and the host state is a shared one, being likened to a “two way street”. With the host state providing the avenue for the prospective immigrant to live and work, (a successful integration) and with the immigrant intending to make him/herself a well integrated productive citizen.”

“On hämmästyttävää, että verikoston olemassaolo yhä kielletään. Minä tunnen faktat ja tiedän, että sitä tapahtuu. Ja sen tietää helvetin moni muukin, vaikka ei sitä myönnäkään”, Lumberg sanoo.

“It’s incredible that the existence of the “blood revenge” is still denied (possibly just referring to the Romani minority) I am aware of the facts and know that it happens. And a hell of a lot of others know as well, though it is not acknowledged, Lumberg says.”

The comparison of the Romani minority’s violent blood revenge incidents, with that of Muslim honor crimes, wife beatings, genital mutilations are inescapable. All the just before mentioned have similar attributes in common, being both endemic to the minority in question as well as being hushed over to the point of outright denial that it even takes place. The interviewer enquires:

“Voisiko romanipoliisi olla sillanrakentaja valtaväestön ja romanien kesken? / Could a Romany policeman become a bridgebuilder between the majority and the Romani people?

Riku Lumberg: “Muutoksen pitäisi lähteä siitä, että romanit sopeutuvat valtaväestön kulttuuriin. Romanit eivät vääryyksistä toitottaessaan aina muista, että he ovat vähemmistö. Ei pidä olettaa, että viisi miljoonaa muuta ihmistä sopeutuu kymmenentuhannen romanin kulttuuriin.”

Change should begin from the position that Romani (Gypsies) should adapt to the majority culture. Romany people proclaiming injustices don’t always remember that they’re the minority. One shouldn’t assume that the five million other people should adapt to the Romani culture of ten thousand.”

I find it very difficult to believe that any reasonable person would find trouble with the Romani policeman’s logic. But I can however, imagine many Muslims and their multicultural apologists howling in anger if the same questions and answers were being discussed in relation to Islam in the West. *L* KGS

Of interest and therefore worth noting, that the Romani may very well have been victims of Islamic imperialism.

“Many historians believe that the Muslim conquerors of northern India took the Roma as slaves and marched them home over the unforgiving terrain of Central Asia, taking great tolls on the population and thereby giving rise to such designations as the Hindu Kush mountains of present-day Pakistan and Afghanistan. Mahmud of Ghazni reportedly took 500,000 prisoners during a Turkish/Persian invasion of Sindh and Punjab. Others suggest the Roma were originally low-caste Hindus recruited into an army of mercenaries, granted warrior caste status, and sent westward to resist Islamic military expansion. In either case, upon arrival, they became a distinct community. Why the Roma did not return to India, choosing instead to travel west into Europe, is an enigma, but may relate to military service under the Muslims.”

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