Speech Laws Sweden

Swedish FM And Blogger Carl Bildt Under Investigation…….

It appears that Swedish politicians are not immune to the same kind of high handed investigations that Finnish bloggers have been subjected to. As of yet, I do not know what the offensive comment that appeared on Bildt’s blog might have been, I have my sources checking it out. Intimidation is one way of enforcing speech control even without the enforcement of an actual law. *L* KGS

“Police and the district attorney’s office may have to investigate Sweden’s foreign minister Carl Bildt’s blog or internet diary, which has had a complaint filed against it. According to a complaintant, Bildt is guilty of incitement of a national group, when he did not remove a comment that clearly broke the law. Readers were able to read the highly anti-Palestinian comment for weeks.

Carl Bildt said in a radio new broadcast that he prevented readers from commenting further, but left the prior messages viewable. “I could remove them, but they would remain in the archive. That’s the problem. Getting rid of the messages would not have made a great difference”, Bildt said.

The Swedish Chancellor of Justice decided on Wednesday, that Bildt’s website did not enjoy and special constitutional protection, nor does the matter belong the attorney general’s office, but to the police and district attorney. The Stockholm police have already left the matter to the district attorney who will decide on whether to initiate an investigation.”

tukholma Poliisi ja syyttäjä joutuvat ehkä tutkimaan Ruotsin ulkoministerin Carl Bildtin blogia eli nettipäiväkirjaa, josta on tehty rikosilmoitus. Kantelijan mukaan Bildt on syyllistynyt kiihotukseen kansanryhmää vastaan, kun hän ei ole poistanut nettipäiväkirjastaan lukijoiden lähettämiä selvästi lainvastaisia kommentteja. Lukijan jyrkästi palestiinalaisvastainen kommentti sai olla viikkoja kaikkien luettavana.

Carl Bildt sanoi radiouutisille estäneensä joidenkin lukijoiden pääsyn kommentoimaan enempää, mutta jätti entiset viestit näkyviin.”Voisin ottaa ne pois, mutta ne jäävät edelleen arkistoon. Se on ongelma. Viestin poistaminen ei olisi tehnyt suurtakaan eroa”, Bildt sanoi. Ruotsin oikeuskansleri päätti keskiviikkona, ettei Bildtin nettipäiväkirja nauti erityistä perustuslain suojaa, eikä asian käsittely siten kuulu oikeuskanslerinvirastolle vaan poliisille ja syyttäjälle. Tukholman poliisi on jo jättänyt asian syyttäjälle, joka päättää käynnistetäänkö muodollinen esitutkinta.

Update: This investigation could possibly be the work of others who were already upset with his blogging as a foreign minister. ” On March 5 for example, he discusses the situation in the Middle East: “A Palestinian unity government will obviously not resolve all the problems or meet all the demands, but if the alternative is civil war, chaos … then it is obvious that this is what we must work for.” Click here for more. *L* KGS

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