
He’s back…….

Helsinki University professor of Islamic culture and languages, Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, spoke to a packed church hall crowd in Jyväskylä about Islam’s similarities to Christianity. To all of Tundra Tabloids visitors who live outside of Finland, Hämeen-Anttila is basically the only voice in Finland who is called to comment on anything about Islam. Apparently the Finnish ruling “elite” have deemed that there is no one else in Finland “important or informed enough” to speak about Islam, other than Hämeen-Anttila, especially if the view would counter the one proffered by the professor.

According to the Keskisuomalainen, Hämeen-Anttila stressed the role Jesus plays in the Muslim religion, something that is (according to Hämeen-Anttila)usually left unmentioned. Among the similarities in the religion, he went on to describe the Muslim faith’s belief in Jesus’s return to earth, taking a wife and having a kid. What isn’t mentioned in the article is whether he described the Muslim’s belief that Jeusus wasn’t crucified, and that Jesus is considered “a Muslim prophet”, and that Christians are deemed as being an infidel.

One of the similarities the professor mentions is the respect both faiths have for Jesus and the belief in the same God. What the article fails to mention is whether or not he made mention that Christians are included as the “people of the book”, which overlooks the fact that Christians and Jews have their OWN book, and that the world is made of many religions with their own books as well. This kind of condecending attitiude Islam has towards non-Muslims is apparently brushed aside, as well as the fact that Muslims believe that Christians and Jews subverted their own holy texts.

I could also assume that the dear professor refused to enighten the people in the crammed church hall that their co-religionists experience on a daily basis discrimination, rape and intimidation from the Muslim majority in many Muslim societies around the world. The reason I say this with a measure of assurance, is the disclaimer the professor provides at the end of the article:

“Hämeen-Anttila kieltäytyy islamin puolustajan tittelistä, mutta myöntää puhuvansa siitä mielellään hyvää. – Media hoitaa kyllä negatiivisten asioiden esiintuomisen ilman minun apuanikin, vaikka toki ymmärrän islamin ongelmat. Onneksi tutkin niin paljon muutakin, että tuskin koskaan jumiudun vain islamiin.”

“Hämeen-Anttila refuses the title as a defender of Islam, but admits to speaking of it approvingly. -The media takes care of the negative issues without my help, even though I of course understand Islam’s problems. Fortunately I research many other things, that I will hardly be stuck to only Islam.” More here in Finnish.

Its a clever way to dissasociate himself from the unpleasant task of ever having to speak of the less positive attributes of the Islamic faith. Apparently for Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, Islam is beyond open criticism from the professor of Islamic studies. How convenient and how “dhimmi” of him. KGS

Note: By default, this professor is possibly pushing an Islamist agenda, that he refuses to publically comment on any negative aspect of the Islamic religion is disengenuous as it is wrong. Check out Atlas Shrugs on the subject.

2 Responses

  1. Hi Mikko,
    I followed your links, thanks for including them! The professor is a hoot:


    “Erityisen huolissaan Hämeen-Anttila on siitä, että viime aikaisia tapahtumia on tulkittu taisteluiksi, jotka ovat osa laajaa, islamilaisen ja läntisen kulttuurin välistä konfliktia. Monien mielestä väkivalta ja konflikti lännen kanssa johtuu islamin sotaisuudesta.

    “Ongelma-alueiden konfliktien syyt eivät ole kulttuurissa tai uskonnoissa. Terrorismin ja väkivallan syyt niin Palestiinassa kuin New Yorkissakin ovat taloudellisia ja sosiaalisia: köyhä, työtön ja turhautunut ihminen turvautuu helposti väkivaltaan. Parempi vaihtoehto on, että tällainen ihminen juo liikaa alkoholia ja mukiloi lähiympäristöään, huonommassa vaihtoehdossa ihminen tekee samanlaisia asioita, mutta paljon tehokkaammin — eli ryhtyy terroristiksi.”

    “Islamin nimissä toimivat terroristit eivät tule kaikki slummeista, mutta heidän ajattelutapansa ja koko väkivallan kulttuuri versoaa juuri sieltä: ajatus esimerkiksi siitä, ettei tilanteeseen saada muutosta millään hyväksyttävällä tavalla. Slummeista väkivaltainen reagointitapa leviää kaikkialle ääriaineksiin”, toteaa Hämeen-Anttila.”

    I can’t think of anything more silly and disengenuous as the remarks he makes in the KEPA article.

    He admits that not all the terrorists have grown up in the slums, but blames poverty and unemployment as the key and “the market economy” as the key factors that drive the jihadis on and on.

    What a bunch of nonsense.

    Hämeen-Anttila can’t bring himself to say that Islamist Extremists are waging a war against the modernization of their faith, and that Imams are having a difficult time in proving them wrong. Both use the same book and scriptures to validate their ways, with the Islamists finding vindication from the very words of Mohamed himself.

    Jaakko just can’t find the nerve to be honest.

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