
Finnish Media Handles Finland’s MFA With Velvet Gloves…….

In today’s edition of the Helsingin Sanomat, an article was published that orignally appeared in the Keskipohanmaa/Central Northland paper, that heaps full praise upon Finland’s EU presidential term as well upon its FM, Erkki Tuomioja. According to the Keskipohanmaa;

“Finland’s EU Chairmanship has in many ways come at a critical time. If any kind dithering is allowed, couldn’t there be any better time for Finland to be chairing the EU presidency than right now, which is still internationaly, an impartial and unaligned state? Erkki Tuomioja (sd) has played a key role in many of the negotiations, and has shown just what a professional, familiarized Finnish diplomat is able to do.”

[ “Suomen EU-puheenjohtajuus sattui monella tavalla kriittiseen saumaan. Jos kuitenkin jossittelu sallitaan, niin voisiko tähän aikaan parempaa puheenjohtajaa osua kuin Suomi, jolla kansainvälisesti on edelleen asema puolueettomana ja ainakin liittoutumattomana maana. Monissa neuvotteluissa keskeisessä roolissa EU:n puolesta toiminut ulkoministeri Erkki Tuomioja (sd) on osoittanut, mihin ammattitaitoinen ja asiaansa paneutuva, taitava suomalainen diplomaatti kykenee.”]

I have already shown that there is a different reading of the FM’s “abilities and familiarization of the facts”. That “Eki’s” half-baked schemes were dismissed as they should have been, with EU stated policy (that refuses to formalize relations with the Hamas lead government until it accepts all three conditions) still standing. One academic just reached me by e-mail to say that:

“…….Tuomioja tries to play the Big Boy for the term of the presidency. It will soon be over and he’ll slide back into obscurity……. “

I agree, but in the mean time, look at the damage Tuomioja is doing to Finland’s reputation abroad. Even more troublesome is the fact that the local media is doing a major whitewashing of the whole Finnish MFA, with the just mentioned giving their “hats off approval”, as well as YLE radia(state TV) and the Keskisuomalinen’s editor in chief, Erkki Laatikainen. The just mentioned ran a soft hearted exultation of the FM, saying:

Tuomioja is his father’s son/Tuomioja on isänsä poika

“In all actuality, Finland has worked as EU chairman pertinently and objectively. Lebanon has largely been Erkki Tuomioja’s responsibility. Many (Finns) people with a touch for history, remember the FM’s father, Sakari Tuomioja’s wisdom on foreign and domestic issues.”

[Todellisuudessa Suomi on työskennellyt puheenjohtajana asiallisesti ja tavoitteellisesti. Libanon on paljolti ulkoministeri Erkki Tuomiojan vastuulla. Hän on kunnostautunut tehtävässään. Monet historiaa tuntevat ihmiset muistavat kunnioituksella ulkoministerin isän Sakari Tuomiojan viisaan ahkeroinnin sisä- ja ulkopolitiikan kentillä. Poika on kasvanut isänsä mittoihin.]

A friend adds the following concerning the Finnish media’s irresponsible reporting of its public officials:

“This is the scary part: “the complete WHITE WASH the Finnish media, especially state owned YLE is giving over Tuomioja’s performance”. This includes the silence or (almost) denial of his disagreements with the other EU ministers… The Finnish language is really a fortress – if the international media would only know HOW totalitarian (or, rather, non-existent) the debate climate here is, even to the point of actually distorting reality (a nicer phrase for lying…)”

While I can’t speak about the father, I can surely speak about the son, who recently chastized the Jewish state for its supposed use of “disproportionate” force in Lebanon. I believe that the Spokesman for the Jewish Community of Helsinki, Mr.Gideon Bolotowsky, said it best in response to Tuomioja’s claims. In addressing the crowd gathered at a recent pro-Israel rally staged in Helsinki exactly two weeks ago (2500-4000 people), Mr.Bolotowsky stated;

“Finland’s FM, Erkki Tuomioja claims that Israel’s use of force in Lebanon, to be “disproportionate”. I remind the Foreign Minister that during WWII, Finland suffered 100 000 dead in its war with Russia. Will the Foreign Minister be now demanding that Finland apologize over its “disproportionate” use of force against Soviet Russia, whose losses were four times that of the Finns?”

How true indeed.

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