
Hamas Pisses On Democracy…….

On a day that celebrates the 1ooth anniversary of Finland’s parliamentary democracy, I post a graphic that appeared in the May 25th issue of Al-Risala, a Hamas weekly newspaper, that expresses Hamas’ true sentiments for the process they abused to get into power. The cartoon published in the Hamas paper shows a boy urinating on the Statue of Liberty holding a book labelled “Democracy”.

INN reports:
“The Statue of Liberty, also known as Lady Liberty, is an internationally-recognized American symbol of freedom and democracy. Such ideas are an anathema to the PA; at a rally in March 2006, the newspaper Al-Hayat Al Jadida accused the West of “trying to penetrate Islamic youth with dubious things such as the ideas of democracy”.

Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Al-Quds and Al-Ayam newspapers have all pictured Lady Liberty as a terrorist, an arsonist burning down the world, a prostitute, and a prisoner of U.S. security agencies, among others.”

The Palestinian media have long made a mockery out of the Statue of Liberty, and they can be viewed at Palestinian Media Watch website here. KGS

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