
Caterpillar Has Activist Problems Again…….

When it comes to the Middle East, any group having either ‘peace’ or ‘human rights’ in their organizational name usually represents neither, at least not for Jews. The Palestinian activists confronting the Michigan office in Novi are clamoring for ”Palestinian rights”, while overlooking the same rights for Israelis not to be blown up or shot up by Arab death squads. If not for Arab terrorism and their goal for Israel’s destruction, the plight of the Palestinians would have ended years ago. KGS

NOVI — About 50 Palestinian-Americans and members of local peace groups demonstrated in front of Michigan CAT today, calling for the halt of the sale of Caterpillar bulldozers to Israel. The protesters say the D-9 bulldozer, manufactured by Caterpillar, is equipped with armor plating by the Israeli Defense Forces and it has been used to destroy fertile land and 12,000 homes, displacing 70,000 Palestinians in recent years — all in violation of international law and peace agreements.

The protest is part of an international effort to demonstrate against Caterpillar at its factories and outlets. Because of the sales to Israel, the Church of England recently divested itself of stock in the British subsidiary of Caterpillar.

“I think it is really important that corporations be held accountable for their actions, and it is not true that they just sell this machine and what someone uses it for is not their responsibility,” said Mary Thomas of the Palestine Office-Michigan, an organization in Dearborn that advocates for the rights of Palestinians.

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